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Light Up The Holidays Safely

Nothing makes a home feel warmer than beautiful, bright decorations to celebrate the season. We’d like to share some essential electrical safety tips to avoid any emergencies this Holiday.

1. Avoid stapling Holiday lights to your House

Although a staple gun might seem like the quickest way to get your home decorated, this poses a risk to your safety. The staples can puncture or cut into the insulation around the wiring and expose it, which increases the risk of an electrical fire. Instead, use clips or hooks.

2. Never use indoor-only extension cords, lights, and electrical decorations outside.

Before using an extension cord outside or hanging up your holiday lights, check the label, or the original container. It will state whether the cord is for indoor use only or okay for indoor and outdoor use. The insulation around indoor-only cords is less likely to hold up against sunlight and the elements, making them risky to use.

3. Use caution with multi-outlet converters and power strips.

Overloading a wall outlet or power strip can cause a fire. If you need to use a multi-outlet converter or power strip, only plug in things that draw a relatively low amount of power, like Holiday lights.

Never plug appliances into a multi-outlet converter or power-strip because there is a large chance you’ll overload it. Even appliances that are smaller in size like coffee makers, toasters, slow cookers, and microwaves draw a lot of power, so you should only ever plug these directly into a wall outlet.

Visit us online at for more home improvement and safety tips.

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